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Front Active Camber Suspension Design and Concept Validation with Virtual Driving Simulator


Iñaki Iglesias Aguinaga*, Adrian Martín Sandi, Igor Olavarría Etxevarría - Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Transport Unit


A kinematic suspension study has been carried out, based on a patented active camber suspension [1], validating the improvements in terms of vehicle dynamic behaviour with a virtual driving simulator. Starting from the basic design of the patent, a full active camber suspension has been designed, minimizing the change of critical suspension parameters (e.g. toe, caster) with the actuator displacement. Within the development, a particular application for this variable camber design has been selected (active camber modification for vehicle dynamic performance improvement), concluding with a complete vehicle front suspension design, and validating the improvements of the active camber suspension in terms of increased handling and lateral force in the virtual driving simulator.

Keywords: Active suspension, virtual validation, Hil, driver in the loop, active camber

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