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Multi Body Systems Inside FEA for Structural Nonlinearity in Vehicle Dynamics Simulation


Thomas Wissart*, Stephane Grosgeorge - SAMTECH Deutschland
Bernard Voss - SAMTECH


Multi Body System (MBS) is nowadays accepted as a reliable tool to develop new components for vehicles suspensions, steering or powertrain parts and to simulate the low frequencies of the response spectrum seen by the vehicle. The simulation of vehicle dynamics with MBS software includes rigid components, kinematical joints and possibly Super-Elements to represent an approximation of reality. Using rigid components in the model of a vehicle has been proven to be too conservative and not reliable enough since flexibility is an important contributor to vehicle dynamics and can consequently no longer be neglected. This is especially of critical importance when modelling the complex suspension/steering system where bushings are present to isolate the chassis from external disturbance. The presence of bushings leads to high non linearity. Classical MBS software do not have the capability to predict such structural non linearity. The use of super elements (SE) can sometimes be seen as a good alternative but show some important limitations such as the assumption of linearity and the validity for a limited frequency range. The SE are therefore not sufficient when contact (pothole or curb strike), prestresses due to assembling, friction (steering or suspension), nonlinear geometric behaviours (bushings) or complex interaction with control systems (ABS system on a bumpy road) are required. The need to reduce vehicles weight in order to minimize the fuel consumption also highlights the increasing importance of durability in today’s car design process. This constraint adds to the already existing compromise of safety and comfort. For the modelling of durability problems, a higher level of accuracy for higher frequencies is required. This creates a need for an advanced solution procedure complementary with pre-existing methods. This new solution 2 must be able to take all these nonlinear phenomena into account, must be easy to use and capable to provide a reliable solution in a reasonable computational time. In this paper, the advantages of using the “Motion in FEA” simulation capabilities are demonstrated with relevant vehicle dynamics examples. The “Motion in FEA” approach is very accurate since it can describe all the non-linear effects present in the vehicle. As they are not limited to low frequencies or connection modes, results are more accurate. With respect to the engineering process efficiency, the “Motion in FEA” model also allows eliminating unnecessary iterations between local separate mechanical models.

Keywords: Nonlinear FEA, MBS, flexible mechanism, Motion in FEA, vehicle dynamics

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