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The Modern Diesel Engine – Valuable Assistant for E-Cars Concerning Low CO2 Mobility


Dipl.-Ing. Th. Körfer, Dr.-Ing. C. Severin, Dipl.-Ing. L. Henning, Dipl.-Ing. A. Kolbeck, Dr.-Ing. H. Busch, Dipl.-Ing. B. Kinoo – FEV Motorentechnik Aachen


The worldwide legal regulations for reduction of the CO2 output from transportation formulate the need for a drastically reduction of global fleet CO2 values. Within the course of a comprehensive efficiency enhancement strategy plays the electrical mobility a central role, which is unfortunately still linked to substantial technical and economical challenges. The electrification of the drivetrain in the short-and mid-term aspect is realized by the stepwise adaption of electrical assistance of conventional powertrains as bridging technology. The expected limited availability of E-cars in the entire vehicle portfolio concludes in the fact, that substantial CO2 savings have to be realized on the base of refined conventional powertrain strategies.

In the range of powertrain technologies represents the DI-Diesel engine due to it’s better process efficiency the first rank. With respect to the recently launched standards concerning stepwise reduction of the CO2-emissions to 120 g/km in 2012 resp. 95 g/km in 2020 offer modern diesel aggregates already today in many vehicle segments excellent figures. For a widespread realization of these challenging goals as a general average value of the entire vehicle fleet of an OEM still substantial efforts are necessary, while meeting further tightened emission standards as well.

Within this paper innovative approaches for simultaneous reduction of pollutant emissions and FC figures are presented and assessed with respect to short-term implementation into series production.

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