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E-Merge: Pan-European Harmonisation of Vehicle Emergency Call Service Chain


Ana Paul - SEAT Centro Técnico
Nuria de Miguel - SEAT Centro Técnico
Michael Nielsen - ERTICO - ITS Europe
Wolfgang Reinhardt - General Motors OnStar Europe
Gerhard Wolfien - Telmacon
Mats Örblom - Volvo Technological Development
Anders Holmsten - S


The European project E-MERGE [1] was launched by the European Commission DG Information Society - IST programme in April 2002 with the purpose of creating an agreed technical, operational and business solution for pan-European vehicle E-Call services. E-MERGE project partners include vehicle manufacturers, equipment manufactures, service providers, PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point), emergency operators and public authorities from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain and Sweden.

This paper describes the background of the project, the emergency call chain requirements, the validation of the overall system and main goals from an automotive exploitation point of view. Some results obtained, like user's needs and the reference scenario will be also introduced.

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