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I S L - Intelligent Signal Lighting Adaptive Signal Light Solutions for an Improved Safety Standard


Detlef Decker - Hella KG Hueck & Co.
Wolfgang Hendrischk - Hella KG Hueck & Co.


Looking at today's automotive signal systems it becomes obvious, that our subjective acceptance is mainly formed by adjustments to historical grown standards.

All functions are operating only at on one illumination level; no matter if it is a clear dark night or a bright and foggy day. The only existing possibility to adapt the conspicuity for bad weather - the rear fog lamp - is very often used incorrectly and distracting.

Additional information about increased risks, just like intensified braking of the vehicle in front, are not transmitted today.

This contribution attempts to formulate an approach for an intelligent adaptive signal lighting system for the next car generation. The framework of the compatibility with the existing standards will be handled as well as the options to achieve improved performance for signal lights.

The proposal for an advanced signal lighting system will be described and demonstrated. Additional consideration for the introduction regarding encircled functions and time frame will be enclosed also.

Main points:

- Introduction - a critical look at today's automotive signal standards

- Possibilities of functional variations for advanced signal lighting systems (ISL - Intelligent Signal Lighting)

- ISL - a proposal for a new adaptive signal system

- Suggestions for an introduction of ISL

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