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Frontal Collision of Buses - Lessons Learned from Real Accidents


Dr. Matolcsy, Mátyás - Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers


There is no international regulation related to the frontal collision of buses, protecting their occupants and the partners in the traffic. This paper collects the possible subjects of international regulations. Three main issues will be discussed: a) protection of bus passengers when the bus is involved in a total head on impact with a wall-like object. The essential question is the deceleration related to ECE Regulation 80, regarding to seat's strength and its anchorage. b) The protection of the driver in case of partial head on impact means to provide him a survival space and keep him in this space during the accident. (different objects my be considered, like a pole, a van, heavy vehicle with offset collision, wall under an angle of 45o, etc.) The difficulty is raised by the different positions of the driver compartment: low position (low floor buses, double-deckers) or high position (highdecker coaches) c) The protection of the partners means underrun protection, use of safety bumpers.

Possible test methods and test results are shown which can be the basis of a regulation

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