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The Active Safety and Braking Control for Two-Wheeled Vehicles


Dr. Valentin Ivanov - Belarusian National Technical University
Dipl. Eng. Mikalai Mikhaltsevich - Belarusian National Technical University


The alternative line of development for the system of active safety is discussed for motorcycles and other two-wheeled vehicles.

An analysis of the interaction between a motorcycle's wheel and road surface at braking allows proposing the anti-lock braking systems (ABS) with the pre-extreme control philosophy. This control principle is based on ensuring the work of wheels in the stable area of 'tire grip µ- wheel slip s'-curve with µ, s and d µ/ds as informational parameters.

The pre-extreme ABS for two-wheeled vehicle can be realized through two main ways. The first method includes the control with d µ/ds derivatives. The second method uses the prediction processes and information about potential possibilities of road cohesion.

For an estimation of the proposed control philosophy the analytical models for linear and curvilinear braking of motorcycle are used. The modeling results displays that concerned ABS ensures the enough stability and works in sufficiently small slipping area.

The future trends in development of the system of active safety for two-wheeled vehicles with the use of pre-extreme control and other intelligent approaches are considered in conclusion.

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