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Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC) Based on Yaw Rate and Sideslip Angle Estimation and VDC Performance Index


Andrea Fortina - FIAT Auto
Andrea Morgando - Politecnico di Torino
Aldo Sorniotti - Politecnico di Torino
Mauro Velardocchia - Politecnico di Torino


This paper deals with vehicle safety due to a Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC) based on yaw rate and sideslip angle control. The first part of the paper introduces the vehicle model used. Particular attention was devoted to the development of methods for sideslip angle estimation, evaluating three procedures, one suggested by a VDC

Manufacturer and the other two conceived by the Authors.

In the second section a VDC strategy based on yaw rate control is presented, taking in account the different actuation forces on the wheels, in case of oversteer and understeer, by considering the interaction between lateral and longitudinal forces between tyres and ground. The following step consisted in the evaluation of the influence of sideslip angle on vehicle dynamics and in the integration of sideslip angle estimation algorithm with VDC control logic. In this way, very good results were obtained in all the maneuvers tested. They were compared with the corresponding obtained by using a Supplier strategy analysed through a black-box.

The paper finally presents an original VDC performance index conceived to carry out an objective evaluation of VDC effect on vehicle behaviour. At the moment, in Literature it is possible to find out only parameters regarding comfort and dynamics of passive vehicles. The proposed VDC performance index takes in account both the improvement from the yaw rate point of view and the negative effect due to power dissipation in brakes with vehicle speed reduction.

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