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New One-Dimensional Fluid-Dynamic Model for Automotive Intercoolers


J. Galindo - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
J.R. Serrano - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
H. Climent - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
F.J. Arnau - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


The aim of this paper is to present a new one-dimensional model to calculate any type of intercooler placed in turbocharged engines. The intercooler calculation has been linked to a global wave action model (WAM), in order to predict the precise interaction and mutual influences between engine and heat exchanger.

The work presented is based in the philosophy that all the parallel thin ducts, which form the intercooler, can be modelled, what represents an alternative to previous developed works.

The number of parallel pipes, with the proper values of diameter and length, can be determined based on the knowledge of the heat exchanger geometry. The friction coefficient is determined based on Reynolds number (Re) in the ducts. In addition, a wall temperature model, which solves the heat transfer equations using a numerical method with three nodes, is used when engine transient conditions are calculated.

Different types of intercoolers had been characterized using a flow test rig and the recorded experimental data have been compared with the model calculated ones. In addition, two different turbo-intercooler diesel engines have been calculated using this model, linked to a WAM, and excellent results have been obtained.

In consequence, the specific sub-model is able to represent the main phenomena that take place in an intercooler, mean pressure drop, mean temperature variations and instantaneous pressure waves reflection and transmission.

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