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Use of Numerical Simulations in the Development of Tools for Car Sheet Metal Parts


Gasper Gantar - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Forming Laboratory
Karl Kuzman - TECOS - Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre


If the final part has to be produced without any mistakes, the development process has to be supported by means of modern techniques. In the paper the emphasis is given to the use of numerical simulations of sheet metal forming operations. Numerical simulations of sheet metal forming processes, based on finite element method (FEM) are widely used world wide. In Slovenia a commercial licence of PAM-STAMP software for sheet metal forming numerical simulations was purchased by TECOS - Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre. Many Slovenian tool manufacturing companies use numerical simulations to study complicated forming processes. The use of numerical simulations in tool manufacturing companies is discussed.

The experience are presented on several industrial examples - parts for automotive industry where the tools were developed by Slovenia's tool manufacturing company. The results of the numerical simulations were compared to the samples from the production processes. Reliability of the results, costs, benefits, and times required for performing numerical simulations are evaluated. The importance of introduction of the tool manufacturing company into the product and production process development cycle is emphasised, too.

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