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Mathematical Modeling of Tire Characteristic Properties


Horst W. Stumpf - FH Joanneum


The parameters of a dynamic model of tire characteristics are vertical stiffness, longitudinal stiffness, longitudinal slip, lateral stiffness, lateral slip, axial stiffness and self-alignment torque. The influence of the dynamic range of the tire load to the lateral force is small. Longitudinal slip influences the lateral force and especially the self-alignment torque. Therefore, it is extremely important to measure the self-alignment torque for its correlation to instationary driving conditions. But measurements of initial values are always unprecise, the errors grow with each measurement, and the system behavior can no longer be forecasted. Thus, we have to deal with a chaotic system. In this case, two tires with identical potential functions may have different kinetic energy functions. Their behavior under static load may be identical, but under dynamic conditions they may behave differently. This behavior explains mathematically the premature characteristic properties of similar tires under different service conditions.

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