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Potential Forces of a Braking Mode and their Realisation within Wheel-Road Contact


Valentin Ivanov - Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy
Joseph Lepeshko - Scientific Center for Machine Mechanic Problems
Vladimir Boutylin - Scientific Center for Machine Mechanic Problems


The accumulated experience of production, tests and operation of the automobile Systems of Active Safety pointed to certain mismatching between the road properties used by control algorithms and the actual road conditions. Especially it concerns so-called m-s-dependencies where, m, is the tyre grip and, s, is wheel slip.

For amendment of tyre-road-interaction aspects the power-balance analysis of a braking wheel has been made. It was found the conventional dynamical equations of brake action require correction through a slip. It allows evaluating redistribution of power streams between the brake gear and the area a wheel-road contact.

In this case the contact area is formed by action of two independent forces- normal wheel loading and potential tyre adhesion force (potential force within a wheel-road-contact). In turn potential force within a wheel-road-contact is shaped by four components - adhesive, deformative and sidelong, and also by a slip velocity. The kind of potential m-s-curve is defined depending on the contributions from each of these components. Potential m-s-curves allow evaluating optimal operation area for a wheel as control object of the System of Active Safety.

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