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Vehicle Operating Cost Management: Tire Example


Danon Gradimir - University of Belgrade
Vasic Branko - University of Belgrade
Jankovic Svetozar - University of Belgrade
Gavric Miroljub - Transport Organization 'Lasta'


In view of its importance in decision making, information on costs of the vehicle exploitation is highly graded. A level of costs of vehicle exploitation is affected by a number of factors that may be subject to proper management decisions. If we arrange these costs according to their worthiness, i.e. importance, the costs of tires (purchase and maintenance) will come on the second place, immediately after the fuel supply.

The paper presents experiences relating to functioning of the integrated information system of a large traffic company with special attention to the tire sub-system. The role of the mentioned sub-system is to provide loading and processing of all relevant data on exploitation and maintenance of tires and to generate information required for analyzes and decision making.

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