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Development of a Practical Semi-Active Damper for a Combat Support Vehicle Through Modelling and Hardware in the Loop Simulation


Andrew Deakin - University of Leeds
David Crolla - University of Leeds
Scott Roberts - University of Leeds
Tim Holman - Horstman Defence Systems Limited
Adrian Woodhouse - DERA (Defence, Evaluation and Research Agency)


This paper describes the "proof of principle" testing of a novel semi-active suspension hardware for a Combat Support Vehicle (CSV). The hardware has been developed following an extensive research programme into competing solutions which have potential to improve CSV ride performance.

Both the semi-active hardware and software have been developed to perform physical tests such that the performance of the system can be determined using a suspension test rig. The tests have been conducted in three phases: characterisation of the available damping rates, hardware in the loop simulation and single degree of freedom testing.

This paper discusses these tests and demonstrates that the performance predicted by simulation can be achieved with this novel semi-active damper system.

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