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Co-ordinated Mobility Control of a 6x6 Off-Road Vehicle with Individual Wheel Control


Andrew Jackson - University of Leeds
Michael Brown - University of Leeds
David Crolla - University of Leeds


This paper presents a form of mobility control for a 6x6 Hybrid Electric Vehiclen (HEV). The vehicle concerned is a series configured HEV utilising Hub Mounted Electric Drives (HMED) at each of the six wheel stations to provide Individual Wheel Control (IWC). The development of several mobility control algorithms, using a basic non-linear vehicle handling model allows the potential of IWC to be assessed. Direct Yaw-moment Control (DYC) utilises a form of torque control to regulate the tyre forces and yaw motion of the vehicle during cornering. The paper shows how the co-ordinated DYC approach promotes improved vehicle handling and mobility while ensuring vehicle motion remains stable.

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