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VIA Homogeneous Combustion to low NOx Emission


Jan Macek - CVUT, Josef Bozek Research Center
Milos Poläsek - CVUT, Josef Bozek Research Center


The aim of the current paper is to analyze the possibilities of homogeneous combustion with limited temperature (to prevent nitrogen oxides formation) and simultaneously equalized one (to burn efficiently all rests of hydrocarbons, soot and carbon monoxide). The homogeneous combustion can be achieved by porous medium (PM), made, e.g., of ceramics and inserted into the combustion space.

The limited temperature itself limits generally thermal efficiency if this effectmis not compensated by changes in the cycle pattern. Therefore, this paper is focused to find thermodynamic limits of a new cycle with PM combustion using high flame stability and fast burning at comparatively low temperatures and the potential of internal heat regeneration. The analysis is based on general idealized cycle model developed newly for this purpose at CTU. Input parameters are based on application of AMEM CFD model adjusted to the porous media burning. The unknown parameters of heat regeneration potential are estimated in this combination with cycle models of higher physical precision. Entropy diagram are used as the first mean of finding efficiency limits. Some initial tests have supported the presented results by realistic boundary conditions. Conclusions for further research are deduced from theoretical analysis.

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