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The Practical Verification of the Mathematical Model of Gas Engine Powered by LPG


Marek Flekiewicz - Silesian Technical University
Grzegorz Kubica - Silesian Technical University


The results of preliminary practical verification of mathematical model of combustion process in gas engine are presented. The single-zone and zero- dimensional mathematical model has been prepared in the previous stage of research program, which has been carried in Transport Institute of Silesian Technical University.

PERKINS AD3.152G gas engine LPG powered was either tested on engine bench test and was an object of simulation. Bench tests have been done on wide range of engine speed and for various throttle openings. Engine test procedure provided also verification of ignition timing and A/F ratio.

Results were used to the verification of the main parameters of mathematical model. Upgraded mathematical model establishes a comparison level necessary for next stage of research program - application of LPG injection system.

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