Authors point to possible utilisation of simulated computations for research and development of the TDI diesel engines. Their modern technical potential is discussed in the opening part of the paper with emphasis on the latest fuel injection technology, with special interest in the Diesel accumulator fuel-injection system Common Rail (CR).
In main part there are presented the methodology and the results of the 'theoretical' experiment for car-engine with working name FIRST-CR. The short engine and the MOPS program data with verification of the simulated results with real input parameters are presented as well. The main part contains an analysis of the influence of two post-injection parameters - quantity and distance
- on the properties of TDI-CR-Diesel engine in one-point test.
Discussed results underline an important influence of the post injection strategy (multi-jet with main- and post-injection) on the rate of heat release and on the thermodynamic, dynamic, economic and ecological engine parameters. Application of optimum post injection can cut down important emissions (NOx, PM, smoke, noise) without many penalties in fuel consumption increase.