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Development Perspectives of on-board Diagnostic in Light of the Present Limit Emission and Environmental Pollution


Jerzy Merkisz - Poznan University of Technology
Marcin Rychter - Poznan University of Technology
Wojciech Gis - Motor Transpor Institute
Marcin Slezak - Motor Transpor Institute


Enormous production increase took place in that time, and consequently increased sale of passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles and trucks, not only in Europe but also in the whole world. 15.065 million of new vehicles had been sold in Europe in 1999, and the sale volume was bigger by 4.8% in relation to 1998.

The increase of number of vehicles in the world has caused growth of toxic emission. Because of growing environment pollution, the agencies of environmental protection and automotive concerns are searching for the possibilities of emission reduction of harmful substances being result of hydrocarbon fuels combustion. Legal restrictions on emission of CO, CO 2 , HC, PM, NO x , are being permanently imposed. More and more complicated modernisation of presently produced vehicles is performed for the global problem reduction. Presently, the combustion engine used in vehicles is the most popular power source; its success is determined by the factors listed.

On-board diagnostic system - OBD II is present in most passenger and utility vehicles in USA; the idea originated on the turn of 70-ties and 80-ties.

It was dictated by the willingness to control engine functions and to diagnose related subassemblies.

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