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The usability of Driver-Information-Systems (DIS) and CarPCs


Heiko Taxis - CAA AG


With the integration of more features, DIS in automobiles are getting more complex. Latest technological developments make it possible to integrate e-mail, internet and office applications to the on-board computer, turning a driver information system into a CarPC. In addition to the high mental demands of the traffic, CarPCs draw driver's attention. On the other hand the internet, providing information on the traffic-situation, accidents, weather etc., is useful while travelling. Communication on the road is a major work component for most business drivers. To handle mental demands new man-machine interfaces have to be developed. Optimised man-machine communication will make it possible for the driver to use the office and internet applications while on the road.

CAA AG plans, evolves, and visualises human-machine interfaces for major German car manufacturers like Audi, BMW, OPEL, VW. The integration of specialists into the development process makes it possible to optimise the interface concepts under human factors criteria.

In July 2000 CAA compared three different DIS in three different cars in a usability study. The systems had just common functions like navigation, climate control or audio integrated. The 44 investigated subjects had to solve 6 different tasks. Data was collected using video cameras, interviews and questionnaires.

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