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Simulation of HLA Systems in Small Vehicles


Enrico Chiappini - DIMEG - University of L’Aquila Daniele Di Rocco - DIMEG - University of L’Aquila


Keywords: Kinetic energy recovery, Energy saving, Hydro-pneumatic accumulator

As widely underlined in the press and communication campaigns, the atmospheric pollution in urban areas becomes every day more relevant, and this is even more critical in large cities. The repercussions for citizen health, building conservation and even more for art masterpieces are more relevant day by day. The air conditions are often above the limit values established as dangerous (due to the presence of NOx and or fine particulate PM10). Therefore, the local administrations - considering that most of the urban pollution is produced by vehicles - are forced to intervene with acts that limit vehicle circulation. Areas with limited traffic are created, the circulation is limited on the base of plate number and, furthermore when most serious conditions appear, the vehicle circulation is forbidden.

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