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Simulation of a More Effective Use of Fuel Energy in a Motor Vehicle


Dusan Sojcak - University of Zilina
Vladimir Hlavna - University of Zilina


Keywords: fuel energy, motor vehicle, simulation

In its effort to attract as many customers as possible, the present-day automobile industry offers a wide range of various types of vehicles. To win the customer means to offer him a high quality vehicle equipped with technologies providing the customer with driving comfort. Simultaneously, the vehicle should feature low consumption of primary energy which ensures a complex operation of the vehicle. The paper deals with results of basic research into non-conventional technology of usage of fuel primary energy in the combustion engine. The principle itself is based on the usage of energy bound in the engine cooling system. Together with the use of developing nanotechnologies in the area of exchangers it is possible to design a complex non-conventional system providing the cooling of charging air, air conditioning and, in the case of cooling vehicles, also the required cooling output.

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