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Automatic Gearbox Control through Vector Canoe (Controller Area Network Open Environment)


Bogdan Ovidiu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Varga Ioan Rus - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca


Keywords: automatic gearbox, controller area network open environment, electronic control unit.

This paper is meant to give a serious of answers concerning the entire process of the changing of the gears for a automatic gearbox, through the eyes of electronic network control. The VectorCANoe is not only a simulation tool is also a machine code generator; all that is happening in the simulated environment is designed to act in reality, if the environment is connected to a ECU (electronic control unit). The system can simulate, can generate machine code, can run a serious of test in order to determine the stability of the system and can also determine the area where the system is working improperly. All this is happening in real-time, during the pre and after simulation process. It is an extremely helpful tool for mechanical and electrical engineers that are developing units of control in the automotive environment and not only.

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