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Take Advantage of Ionic Conductors as Element using to Evaluate Efficiency Catalytic Converter in Vehicle With CI Engine


Marcin Rychter - Motor Transport Institute


Keywords: catalytic converter , ionic condacter, NOx sensor.

The development of a catalytic converter required an analysis of selected physical parameters of the supports. This resulted from the necessity to assume given parameters of the supports applied in the tests in exhaust gas environment in the CI engines. An analysis of ionic conductors which constitute the basic solution in voltage sensors providing signals through NOx electrocatalysis.

The aim of this paper is to determine the basis for the monitoring of catalytic converters in compression ignition engines by the emission level of a selected exhaust gas component as a diagnostic signal. The emission of NOx has been taken as the basis. This required the development of a specialized system allowing the reduction of NOx and obtaining of a diagnostic signal reflecting the level of the said reduction.

Those paper include same results of testing and possibilities monitoring of prototype catalytic converter on the test bad.

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