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LPG and CNG as Alternative Fuels for Vehicle Drive


Dr Miljko Kokic - Zastava Vehicles Group
Dr Dimitrije Obradovic - Zastava Vehicles Group Mr Snezana Vrekic - Zastava Vehicles Group


Keywords: CNG, LPG, costs

Alteration and growth of fuel costs in the world market are often caused by war and political crisis in the regions abundant with raw oil and natural gas. When we also mention that the recorded stocks of oil according to certain authors are enough for the next 30 to 50 years of economical exploitation, it turns out that this is the right moment for broader introduction of alternative fuels. That task will not be easy given the advantages offered by fuels of fossil origin from the aspect of costs, available infrastructure and energetic value per unit of volume and consequently huge autonomy of mobility. Producers and distributers of petrol (gasoline) and diesel will use all the measures to try to maintain the achieved position on the market, where huge profits are made and a large number of workers employed. Producers of petrol and diesel will initiate large research and development activities to the end of improving the fuel quality, reducing bad ingredients in exhaust emissions such as sulphor, lead and their compounds and facilitating meeting severe environmental standards imposed on vehicle producers.

Namely, for over two decades politicians and ecologists have been imposing on automotive industry new and growingly rigid regulations on allowed exhaust emission. While doing so, they do not consider arguments of vehicle producers that automotive industry is not the biggest polluter of environment and the cause of greenhouse effect because of huge quantity of carbon dioxide - CO2 emitted into atmosphere.

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