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Harmonization of Road Price Regimes in Europe


Katalin Tanczos - BUTE Department of Transport Economics
Agnes Kosztyo - BUTE Department of Transport Economics Adam Torok - BUTE Department of Transport Economics


Keywords: Road pricing, externalities, monetarisation

Nature gave humanity a stable base of living and gave almost infinite supply to reserve on Earth. In early ages humanity made changes to the environment with early technology, but globally it was not detectable. In the last three hundred years an enormous invention explosion was detected in the sector of industry and technology, which gave people a multiplied set of tools to destroy nature. The motorisation has been developed so dynamically that the air, soil, water pollutions are considerable to the amounts of air, soil, water of Earth. Transportation cannot be degenerated, as a part of production chain. Societies are horizontally and vertically differential. The manpower, the stock, the semi finished and finished products must be transported.

One of the most emphasized goals of the transport policy of the European Union is sustainable mobility. For this reason transportation systems must be developed and standardised, the effectiveness of transportation service must be increased, while the environmental pollution must be decreased or prevented.

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