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Trigon’s Servo Actuated Gear Shifting System for the VOITH PGS 3-bowden Gearbox


Dr.Sandor Simonyi - Trigon Kft
Gabor Horvath - Trigon Kft


Keywords: servo gear shifting, gearbox automation, semi-automatic gearbox controlling

The actuation power of the big size mechanical gearboxes is normally high. Especially high forces are created by the bowdens actuated systems, where the long bowdens are having high friction forces . Trigon developed a servo actuated system to ease the gear shifting in all the directions. The system could be fitted with small adjustments of the existing gearbox actuation and allows significantly lower actuation forces during the selection and gear shifting moves in all directions. The original system was fitted with a mechanically actuated ZF S6-120 gearbox fitted with a VOITH PGS bowdens actuator system.

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