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Neural Modelling of Vehicle Combination Braking Systems Operation


Dragan Aleksendric - University of Belgrade Cedomir Duboka - University of Belgrade


Keywords: vehicle combination, neural modelling, braking system

Braking systems of commercial vehicles were always given the highest importance concerning safety issues and in particular active safety. Due to different design and load characteristics of these vehicles, different performance of their braking system especially related to different wheel brakes and their tribological behaviour are the main reasons why the operation of their braking systems should be constantly monitored and controlled depending on the driver´s demands and the adhesion characteristics between tyres and road (Aleksendrić et all., 2002). Inappropriate braking of these vehicles may cause heavy accidents due to relatively longer stopping distances and higher energy output of brakes particularly in the case of towing/trailer (semi-trailer) combinations.

Ever-increasing demands in term of responsiveness and control are being made on system for brake and chassis management in commercial vehicles (Antonsson, 2002). The traditional medium used for brake system (compressed air) can be now controlled with the speed and precision offered by modern electronic abilities. Electronic Braking System (EBS) introduced in commercial vehicles providing rapid brake response and release for every single wheel according to the driver´s demands.

The extremely rapid response time provided by the electronic control can be used for crucially shortening of the braking distance by introducing advanced control of braking systems´ operation. The control of tractor/trailer braking systems operation is related not only to vehicle speed but also to lateral acceleration together with the yaw moment control and significantly reducing the possibilities of the vehicle rolling over. Obviously, such a complex task imposed to the control of braking systems can not be based on the driver abilities and need to be done independently of the driver. That is why a control program in EBS operation should be permanently improved.

EBS offers possibilities for further innovative solutions for controlling of braking systems performance of a tractor/trailer combination. A need to improve braking performance of commercial vehicles simultaneously with the problem of vehicle combination braking compatibility resolving leads to better control of the most relevant disturbing factors. An improved EBS braking forces management would certainly enable to reach the given task. The advanced braking force management strategy should be based on intelligent controlling of the braking forces distribution between the front and rear axle of power-driven vehicle and/or between towing/trailer combination and/or between tractor/semi-trailer combination. Intelligent control of braking system operation based on neural model development of commercial vehicles´ brakes operation can be considered as a critical point for further improving of their braking systems operation and active safety in general.

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