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Dip Paint Simulation with ALSIM


Erich Zohlhuber - MAGNA POWERTRAIN
Josef Reichweger - MAGNA POWERTRAIN


Keywords: ALSIM, Dip paint simulation

The ALSIM software for dynamic dip paint simulation sets new standards in the simulation of manufacturing processes. ALSIM enables simulation/optimization of the dipping cycle in the dip paint process. The generation and migration of unwanted air bubbles during dipping and passage through the dipping tank are visualized, avoiding un-wetted i.e. uncoated areas. Equally undesirable puddling is also visualized during removal from the dipping tank and in the subsequent run-off stage, so that "tank trails" and "bubbling up" can be detected and rectified during drying. This allows optimization of the interplay between product design and plant design, while also achieving both optimum product geometry and an optimum dip paint process.

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