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The Steering Wheel Torque Dependency on Vehicle and Steering System Parameters


Peter E Pfeffer - University of Bath


Keywords: Vehicle handling, steering system, steering feel

In recent years steering feel has become a major goal in vehicle development. Steering feel depends on the subjectively perceived feedback from the vehicle. The most important feedback to the human driver, apart from the vehicle movement, is the torque transmitted by the steering wheel. The investigation of Fiala, 1967 has shown that the steering wheel torque is the fastest channel to trigger action from the human driver. Furthermore Segel, 1964 has already given recommendations for optimum steering torque levels. Our own investigations have also shown that steering wheel torque is a key parameter to explain and to quantify steering feel. In order to optimise steering feel virtually a simulation model is required which predicts both vehicle response parameters, such as lateral acceleration, etc., and the steering wheel torque very accurately. The latter is especially neglected for most models, therefore in Pfeffer, 2006 an advanced model was developed, focusing particularly on on-centre driving. On-centre means low lateral accelerations of up to 4 m/s2. The average customer experiences a car exclusively within this range and therefore the steering feel and vehicle handling are judged at on-centre by the customer. The mentioned model is the basis of the investigation described in this paper. In the first part of the paper the model is introduced briefly. In the second part sensitivity analyses, regarding steering wheel torque, are presented.

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