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Cinematic and Dynamic Analysis and Structural Verify of an Innovative Motorcycle Suspension


Francesco Vitale - Universita di Palermo
Gabriele Virzi’ Mariotti - Universita di Palermo


Keywords: Motorcycle Progressive Suspension; Lever ratio; Dynamical Simulation

The purpose of this paper is the study of the innovative progressive suspension "Unit Pro-Link", by theory and by numerical simulation. The software MSC Visual Nastran is used for the verification of the analytical results. Besides the study is conduced in dynamical condition with the final purpose of a structural verify. The sttress anallysiis on tthe severall partts of tthe suspensiion iis executted by FEM modulle,, iimpllementted iin tthe mullttii body softtware.. The sttress evalluattiion on tthe enttiire rear suspensiion iis executted ttrough a sttandard ttestt (att doublle ramp),, duriing whiich tthe excursiion of tthe rear wheell axlle achiieves tthe end diispllacementt posiittiion iin a shortt ttiime,, and comes back.. FEM analysis puts in evidence that the more dangerous configuration for the suspension is the end displacement and that the more stressed element is the equalizer, being the stress a few lower than the yield one, with a condition of limited life resistance.

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