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The Virtual Prototyping of the Windshield Wiper Systems in Mechatronic Concept


Catalin Alexandru - University “Transilvania” of Brasov
Claudiu Pozna - University “Transilvania” of Brasov


Keywords: windshield wiper mechanism, dynamic model, control system, virtual prototype

The windshield wiper mechanisms are vehicle-specific systems in which the wiping motion is transferred from the wiper motor to the pivot-shaft assemblies via linkages. A compact wiper system consists of the following components: wiper motor with thermoswitch, wiper gearing, motor crank, steel base-plate, crank linkage, pivot-shaft assembly with oscillating crank, and second pivot-shaft assembly with plate (for parallel wipe pattern), respectively. The linkage forces are supported by the sheet metal of the vehicle´s bodywork. For the present-day vehicles, the following wiper systems are frequently used: single-lever systems with parallel wipe patterns, single-lever systems with sector wipe patterns, opposed-pattern double-lever systems with parallel wipe patterns, opposedpattern double-lever systems with overlapping sector wipe patterns, tandem-pattern double-lever systems with overlapping sector wipe patterns, and tandem-pattern three-lever systems with extra-wide overlapping sector wipe patterns, respectively [13].

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