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Multifuel Engine – A Reached Purpose using the Conversion of a Classical I.C. Engine


Adrian Sachelarie - Technical University „gh. ASACHI” Iasi
Lidia Gaiginschi - Technical University „gh. ASACHI” Iasi
Iulian Agape - Technical University „gh. ASACHI” Iasi


Keywords: stratified charge, divided combustion chamber, multi-fuel

Our concept is developed around the idea to separate the initialization of the fame nucleus by the flame development in the combustion chamber, which means to separate the initialization of the flame nucleus from the rest of burning processes and, at the beginning of our works it was a simply lean mixture fuel engine. It is well known that many engine producers are using a lot of principal components of the engine like the cylinder block, the crankshaft, connecting rod, etc., for both the diesel and the gasoline engine.

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