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M-design - E-engineering Platform for Conceptual Design and Product Development


Gründer, Willi - TEDATA GmbH, Germany



E-Engineering, Mechanical Design, Knowledge Supply, Calculations, Content Management


MDESIGN is an E-Engineering Platform providing advanced knowledge on calculations, design procedures and technical rules. MDESIGN is being used in all sectors of automotive industry and machine manufacturing. With more than 100 chapters of design specific information MDESIGN has become a unique toolbox for mechanical design and engineering. Today tailored MDESIGN libraries are produced for many national markets. Authors are experienced engineers, researchers and members of standardisation bodies. They regularly supply new and revised content, which adheres to the latest standards and guidelines. It is MDESIGN author, which assists with the collection and structuring of knowledge. This authorware creates text files, graphics, data bases, calculation procedures and selection methods. It merges already existing code and objects with new MDESIGN scripts, turning legacy software into new knowledge objects, which look identical to standard MDESIGN modules, but really consist of old MS-DOS, C- or Fortran code. MDESIGN author also provides dedicated tools to develop intelligent catalogues and product selectors, which bridge a large gap between paper based information and individual advice, thus reducing the cost considerably spent on customers’ day to day queries.A component of major importance is MDESIGN Explorer, the content manager for engineering applications. The Explorer acts as an engine for computations, calculations, selection procedures and simulations, and , at the same time, is a guide to a growing number of virtual data & document warehouses, where the engineer finds all the content he actually requires. The entire knowledge and continuous updates are made directly available to engineers in Conceptual Design and Product Development by a network of internet-based content servers. Functionality and market penetration give MDESIGN an outstanding role in disseminating technical knowledge. A rapidly growing number of MDESIGN applications and catalogues will strengthen this leading position even further. MDESIGN is gaining more than 10.000users each year. The unique marketing concept makes it one of the most successful E-Engineering platforms of today.

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