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The Mars-ean Auto-motives. Historical, Technical, Didactical, Philosophical Aspects. Long Life Engineering Learning Methods


Elena Helerea - Transilvania University of Brasov Liviu Alexandru Sofonea* - Transilvania University of Brasov



Future Automotive, Mars planet, Historical Aspects, Engineering learning methods


Having in view that the Space exploration provides many important connections to the education and training of the engineer, the paper presents some considerations on Automotive and Mars Exploration, offering teachers and students a powerful non-conventional method of teaching and learning. This reasonable, efficient method concerns in the complementary study of the history of society and in the visionary preparation for the techniques and technology future, which is convenient also to the automotive engineer, this Homo ingenious that design and build not only terrestrial but also space-al automotives. The main characteristics of the extremely important topic of the Space-Science and Technique "The research of the planet Mars" in the historical period dT= 2000 - 2005 AD, the period of Historia which is also marked by Globalization (informational, economical, political, ecological et al.) and by a complex scientifical and technical revolution, are presented. Auto-motives used in the last period of the Marte-an saga are also described: the Pathfinder, the Rocky, the Spirit, the Opportunity - their techné - energheia-s, their contribution to the progress of scientifical knowledge and technical ability; the relevance of these marvelous performances of Homo Sapiens Scientifer et Technicus Technologicus in the activities of teachers, philosophers, students, which are (specifically) interested in the increasing the efficiency of their didactical work and the development of interactive methods for long life-learning. The paper underlines that in the gallery of different modus-es of machina with their techné-energeia and their functional parameters, the evolution of terrestrial auto-vehicles /cars: auto-motives/ conceived, constructed, an tested on the Earth, is a prominent marker, which, without any doubts, will be used later for designing and building the future Mars-ean auto-motives.

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