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Experiments Concerning the Ecological Alloys with a Sn-sb Base Used for the Manufacturing of Bearings


Lecturer eng. Gheorghe Hutiu, PhD - Aurel Vlaicu University Arad
Lecturer eng. Ioan Halaciuga, PhD - Aurel Vlaicu University Arad



recycled materials, elaboration technology, Sn-Sb alloys, performance


Taking into account that in the literature the carcinogen nature of As and Cd has been widely acknowledged, considerable research work has been carried out lately with a view to obtaining antifriction Sn-Sb alloys without Cd and As, but preserving similar mechanical and tribological characteristics that should make them suitable for the manufacturing of bearings. Following the mechanical processing operation, more than 90% of the alloy cast on the steel stand is wasted as it turns into chips. As the costs incurred by the elaboration of Sn- Sb based alloys are very high and therefore many attempts have been made in order to obtain these alloys with the addition of chips and with the elimination of Cd and As. The direct utilization of these chips in the elaboration process did not lead to the manufacturing of bearings possessing the same characteristics as those manufactured out of new alloys without chips. The experiments carried out by the authors in laboratory conditions and then at industrial level have shown that using an adequate elaboration technology for the master alloy with a Sn-Sb base, using chips , but with no addition of Cd and As could lead to a material which is adequate for the manufacturing of antifriction Sn-Sb bearings without Cd and As. The characteristics of the alloys obtained are comparable to those of the standard alloys containing As and Cd.

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