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Workflow in the Virtual Automotive Enterprise


Cocosila, Mihail - Michael G. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
Georgescu, Liviu* - Faculty of
Transports, Politehnica University of Bucharest Dragan, Viorel - Faculty of
Transports, Politehnica University of Bucharest



workflow, automotive enterprise, virtual enterprise, knowledge management


Elements of the virtual enterprise started to develop nowadays within the traditional enterprise in many fields among which the automotive industry. This was possible due to the advent of new information technology and, especially, the Internet. Workflow already having a leading role in the traditional enterprise is going to change dramatically the way business is managed in the virtual enterprise. This paper discusses the essential tasks of the workflow in the virtual automotive enterprise by contrasting its roles with those in the traditional organization. In leading this discussion, the paper follows a critical orientation approach based on recent studies. For that, the work first briefly shows the concept of traditional enterprise and the roles of workflow. Then it illustrates the paradigm of virtual enterprise and the key roles of the workflow in the new context. Exemplification of virtual enterprise initiatives in the automotive field is also provided. The conclusions show that the emergence of virtual enterprise based on Web technology will dramatically change and improve workflows’ roles. Automotive enterprise has already made the first steps in the new direction thanks to the efforts of well-known market players.

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