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Aspects Regarding the Influence of the Public Illumination on the Road Events


Sorin Zamfira* - Transilvania University of Brasov
Walter Thierheimer - Transilvania University of Brasov
Nicolae Tane - Transilvania University of Brasov Diana Boldor - Transilvania University of Brasov



drivers’ vision, natural and artificial lighting, disability glare, urban illumination, safe traffic.


The natural and artificial lighting is the essential element of the road traffic in whose absence the participants’ motion could not be possible. When natural lighting lacks, both the vehicle’s artificial illumination and the external urban illumination facilitate, the maintenance of (the road traffic) the functioning of the system vehicle – road – pedestrian. This paper offers basic information on the visual guidance, which is a quality criterio n with an essential role in ensuring a fluent and safe traffic. The manifestations of disability glare are given as examples, particularly in traffic. The paper also reveals a series of data that allow the establishment of the luminance level in the road-conflict area.

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