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Analytical and Numerical Models used to Evaluate the Energy Consumed by the Vehicle Structure During The Frontal Impact.


Tabacu, Stefan* - University of Pitesti, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology
Tabacu, Ion - University of Pitesti, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology
Pandrea, Nicolae - University of Pitesti, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology



1D model, FE model, 2D model, plückerian coordinates


The papers presents some analytical models that can be used to evaluate the initial kinematic parameters of the vehicle involved in a frontal impact kind of accident. The active security systems that are used on the modern cars, for example the ABS, makes the job of an forensic expert to be very difficult because the scene of the accident does not offer enough evidences in order to evaluate the initial kinematic parameters of the vehicles involved in an accident. So this evaluation must be based on the deformed shape of the car/s, and using such analytical models the initial state will be recreated. Also numerical models are developed to evaluate the energy consumed during the impact by the structure of the car in various configurations. Both complex and simple models are built in order to create a simple but useful model that offers the required data but in short time and using relatively small computational resources. These simulations will be used to build a database useful to complete the analytical model that are more easy to be used. The papers uses real-life information from the police evidences and the numerical models will be solved by the use of Finite Element Analysis with the aid of LS-Dyna simulation software.

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