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“The ITS Architecture One of the Most Important Component for Planning and Developing of the Intelligent Transportation Systems and a New Approach of the Information and Communication Systems in Transport Field”


Nemtanu Florin-Codrut* - “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Transports Faculty
Minea Marius - “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Transports Faculty
Timnea Radu - “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Transports Faculty



Intelligent transportation systems, ITS architecture, transportation, information, communication.


This paper presents the Intelligent Transportation Systems and Services (definition, the State of the Art on ITS in Europe and World, the relations among different kind of transport modes and the particular approach of ITS in the field of road transport) and its main tool to develop it, ITS Architecture. These systems have a very large complexity and there are a lot of points of view regarding to these intelligent transportation systems and its design. The Architecture of these systems solves a lot of problems which appears in the process of design, integration and building of them. The only one assumption of entire field of intelligent transportation systems is a very good solution to increase the interoperability and flexibility of all these ITS systems and also to develop a set of tools for the future systems. The ITS Architecture shows the functional structure of the system, the physical structure and the informational and the communicational structure of it (this architectural decomposition is necessary for the development of complex and integrated systems). At this moment there are some projects related to the development of a National ITS Architecture. This is a reason for a Romanian initiative on this subject (National ITS Architecture for Romania), and the results of it is very useful to accelerate the integration of Romania in the European structures (economic and social structure).

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