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The Processing of Data Resulted by Experimental Way


Hainăroşie Ioan - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Bejan Nicolae - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Toma Marius Florin - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Bălean Răzvan-Eugen - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest



Experimental data, interpolation theory, interpolation formula, polynomial of interpolation, Lagrange polynomial interpolation


The results of the experimental determinations can be obtained in their basic form as numerical values or as variation curves of some parameters depending on other parameters or depending on time. No matter their way of obtaining, the resulted experimental data must be processed so that they can be the best interpreted. The present paper aims to present some methods of processing the results obtained by experimental way. Depending on the desired target and precision, it will be chosen the method of processing of these experimental data. The methods that are to be presented are relatively simple and easy to apply and with very good results.

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