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Evaluating the Functional Reliability of a Complex Device by Diagnosis


Andreescu Cristian* - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Fileru Iordan - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Toma Marius - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest



Functional reliability, diagnosis parameters (DP), coefficients for the DP evaluation, coefficients of DP importance, technical state coefficients.


The evaluation of the functional reliability is classically based on statistical studies developed on samples of devices of which technical state is evaluated in a binary system: trouble-free or fault. The degree in which the constructive and functional parameters that define the technical state of the devices is not taken into consideration. The diagnosis offers, through the diagnosis parameters (DP), the information that allow the quantification of these aspects and that must be taken into consideration when defining the reliability level of the respective devices. The paper defines the coefficients for the DP evaluation, , of which values correspond to the measured values of DP. In the case of complex devices, due to their constructive and functional complexity, the use of several DP is needed. As the faults tracked down by these DP’s have different levels of gravity, a special category of coefficients is established: the coefficients of DP importance, . An original method for reliability determination is established using these two categories of coefficients. Thus, not only the proportion of the trouble-free devices in the sample is evaluated (as the classic method of reliability determination does), but so is the technical state of these devices. The paper succeeds in creating a more complex and complete connection between the diagnosis and the reliability studies, thus offering an image closer to the reality of the reliability of the studied devices. βijkαjk

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