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Mixes of the Diesel Fuel with Vegetal Oil Alternative Fuels for the Diesel Engines


Nicolae Burnete* - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Alexandru Naghiu - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Ioan Teberean - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Nicolae Filip - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Adrian Todorut - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
István Barabás - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Bogdan Ovidiu Varga - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Emilian Borza - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Cristian Coldea - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Nicolae Vlad - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Florin Bacu - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Adrian Costea - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University



fuel, diesel, mixtures, power, pollution


This paper presents the possibility of replacing classic fuels, as is diesel with vegetal oil- Diesel mixtures in different proportions, mixtures that can assure good running for compression ignition engines. Experimental researches regard this problems emphasizes good properties of these mixtures.

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