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Programme Compute for the Weibull Distribution Evaluation, Described by two Variable Parameters


Nicolae Filip - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University
Vlad Munteanu* - Cluj-Napoca, Technical University



automobile, test, distribution, reliability, Math Lab


The paper presents the result of the authors work to compute a programmer for  Weibull distribution evaluation, according with the needs of the automobile reliability evaluation.

Using the basic theoretical assumption described in basic reliability theory and some applications developed by the literature in this field, the authors design and compute a soft for automobile entire and its parts reliability evaluation.

The compute programmer will be applied for evaluate all kind of the tests due to the complete developed options according with the theoretical needs.

The input option parameters will be introduced in different way according with the need of test performed date from file with txt. or rtf. extensions, date introduce by hand, etc.

The output parameters are presented on list (table) or graphics according with the operator options. Also the operator has the possibility to choice the results type data file or/and graphics.

The work relevance consists in a fast and easy way to evaluate the reliability tests performed. We don't forget the training facility of the programmer useful in the application class with the students from Road Vehicles specialization.

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