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Fuel Cell Vehicle Power Train Simulation


Victor Cristian Regep* - Constanta, Ovidius University
Eden Mamut - Constanta, Ovidius University
Dumitru Cristea - Pitesti, University



Fuel Cell, Hybrid Vehicle, Simulation, Model


Fuel cell vehicle simulation is a method for systematic and fast investigation of the different vehicle options (fuel choice, hybridization, reformer technologies). Modern simulation programs should be capable of serving as tools for analysis as well as development.

In the area of analysis, a modeling tool for fuel cell vehicles needs to address the transient dynamic interaction between the electric drive train and the fuel cell system. Especially for vehicles with slow responding on-board fuel processor, this interaction is very different from the interaction between a battery (as power source) and an electric drive train in an electric vehicle design. Non-transient modeling leads to inaccurate predictions of vehicle performance and fuel consumption.

When applied in the area of development, the existing programs do not support the employment of newer techniques, such as rapid prototyping. This is because the program structure merges control algorithms and component models, or different control algorithms (from different components) are lumped together in one single control block and not assigned to individual components as they are in real vehicles. In both cases, the transfer of control algorithms from the model into existing hardware is not possible.

This paper presents the research results on using of an existing program - ADVISOR for modeling fuel cell vehicle power trains. There where used the experimental results on characteristics of fuel cells measured on an in-house developed stand.

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