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Researches Regarding the LPG Fuelling of the DACIA 1.6 L Engine


Florin Rusitoru* - Bucharest, National Institute of Forensic Expertise
Grigoras Betiu - Bucharest, National Institute of Forensic Expertise
Cristian Dumitrescu - Bucharest, National Institute of Forensic Expertise



The paper presents the transformations applied by the authors to the 1.6 l Dacia's engine in order to pass to the LPG fuelling system. The engine is designed for the parallel hybrid Dacia EcoMatic Hybrid, which is about to be developed at the University of Pitesti. The choosing of this type of alternative fuel was made by taking into account the ecological aspects of LPG fuelling. The LPG fuel supply system features a Venturi
tube type mixer-unit placed on the intake manifold, under the air-filter and is controlled
by an electronic module Lambda Control System.

The novelties presented in the paper are connected with our attempt to change the system from dual-fuel type (gasoline/LPG) to a single fuel type (only LPG) and to adapt it on the Dacia 106-20 engine.

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