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The Automobile and the Environment


Traian Panait* - Bucharest, Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Turism



End of Life Vehicles, environmental impact, Re-use of materials, recycle


Dismantling of automobiles is a source of pollution and can become a very serious problem for people and especially for nature if it is not controlled during all the phases.

Any process of manufacturing and operation has impact of environment. These processes must be legally, economically and administratively controlled so that, once the automobiles intended to be designed, to be monitored during manufacturing, operation and recycling.

The ways and means for monitoring each step in the automobile life must be known. All the measures must have as main goal limitation of the negative impact over the environment.

The 2000/53/EC Directive sets the general frame work for the design, manufacturing and dismounting of automobile in order to administrate appropriately the issues appeared during the automobile life.

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