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Consideartions Regarding the Analysis and the Prognosis with Statistical Methods of the Environement Pollution Level due to the Urbane Vehicles Traffic


Cezar Alin Ungureanu* - Craiova, University
Ilie Dumitru - Craiova, University
Gheorghe Popa - Craiova, University
Augustin Constantinescu - Craiova, University



statistical analysis, rang, correlation, trend function


The objective of the paper is the analysis with statistical methods of the data regarding the pollution degree on the certain zones and along some arteries of the city of Craiova, in a given period of time, and the making evident of the pollution variation mode at the city level, in a given period of time. In the shape of general functions of trend (linear, quadratic, hyperbolic), and also in the shape of some polynomials ones (cubic and superior degree) which approximate as well as possible the level of pollution the evolutionary tendencies will be elaborated.

The phenomena and the data are analysed based on statistical functions and calculus programmes and using skilled softs. There are making considerations regarding the causes that determine the evolution of the level pollution and the way this one is influenced only by the local road service.

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