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Method for Thermal Losses by Cooling System Radiator Measurement at Automotive Vehicles


Spiridon-Cristian-Dan Dascalescu - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Laurentiu Dimitriu - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Adrian Sachelarie* - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Liliana Vornicu - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Ioan Damian - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Marius Receanu - Iasi, MITECO



parameters, cooling system, electronic measurement system


In the paper is presented an electronic measurement system for functional specific cooling system parameters recording on a moving car. The recording is accomplished by a data acquisition system using a data acquisition board and a laptop. The experimental data is imposed for the cooling airflow control applications to internal combustion engines. These devices have been recently patented. The application of these devices has as effect the reduction of fuel consumption, pollutant emission and engine wear during cold start, warm-up phase and engine working under 4 C environmental temperature. Also, the experimental data could be used for the simulation of radiator heat transfer process. The recorded parameters during car travel are the cooling liquid temperatures entering and outgoing the radiator and the oil temperature from the oil pan. In the future approaches, the cooling liquid flow will be measured using a flow meter with Hall sensor and the fuel consumption by an opto-electronic sensor. The process of heat transfer by radiator could be improved using the recorded experimental data. This improvement has as effect the reducing of thermal losses and implicitly fuel consumption reducing during starting and warm-up phase and during cold season operating of internal combustion engines equipped with cooling airflow control devices.

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