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Considerations Regarding Methods and Techniques of Diagnostication of Vehicles by Means of Vibrations


Stanica Calota* - Pitesti, Tank and Driving Training School
Madalin Ciocotoiu - Pitesti, Tank and Driving Training School



Diagnostication of self-propelled military technique can be performed quite easily by analyzing the signals resulted from the vibrations of the component sub-assemblies.

The vibroacustic diagnosis of vehicles supposes a special technological endowment, as the device necessary to recording and processing the vibration spectrum represents high technology and data base which must contain vibrations spectra produced during operating engines, gear boxes, new transmissions and those in exploitation runs at high prices, hard to bear by sales agent for lack of a substantial order which should allow the investments clearing off in due time.

The term of analysis of signal may refer to a simple measurement followed by a limitative interpretation of the signal characteristics or may suppose a recording or processing by means of some mathematical methods of the signal.

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